Import user data validation question?

I'm using the People import utility to load users into TDX. The source os people data is changing at my instution. am attempting to validate the users that I tried to import but am unable to get bulk user data out of TDX.

First the Import jobs only show the errors, not how many records were created by the import.

If I go to the Users section in Admin I cannot export to excel because there are too many records. The options for me to filter the users to allow the export to excel do not allow me to identify the users i have just imported. For instance the email addresses of my imported users all have an x on the end of their email address/username. When I filter by created date being today I get 27 results when my import job was ~3500 accounts and only two errors.

Looking a bit further, I found approximately the correct number os users by filtering the user page by modified date. I see some of the data I imported like alternate email address, but the Username I sent in the import is not the same as the username on the user. What does the the people import use to match to an existing record? I sent different usernames (my testing source system adds an x to the front and back of the email address) but the importer still matched and updated the users. I assumed that since Username is the most unique data element in TDX, you have to pick a username before you can create a new user.




Asked by Nathaniel Obee on Thu 12/8/22 4:53 PM Last edited Thu 12/8/22 5:03 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Fri 12/9/22 9:39 AM

Hi Nathaniel,

The import process performs duplicate checking in the following manner and order:

  1. Username - If there already exists one or more people, regardless of active status, with the same TeamDynamix username as a row that is being imported, those records will be updated from the spreadsheet. This field will only be used for the purposes of matching. TeamDynamix username fields will not be updated as part of this process.
  2. Authentication Username - If there already exists one or more people, regardless of active status, with the same TeamDynamix authentication username as a row that is being imported, those records will be updated from the spreadsheet. This is the Auth Username specified for the user in the TDAdmin application. This field will only be used for the purposes of matching. TeamDynamix authentication username fields will not be updated as part of this process.
  3. Organizational ID - If there already exists one or more people, regardless of active status, with the same organizational ID as a row that is being imported, those records will be updated from the spreadsheet.
  4. Primary Email Address - If there already exists one or more people, regardless of active status, with the same primary email as a row that is being imported, those records will be updated from the spreadsheet.
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