Mystery State Update

Please see the following.  We have a ticket where a technician closed the ticket (10:50 AM) and then three minutes later the configured Email Reply monitor re-opened the ticket and then sent out "blank" notifications.

Any ideas?

Thanks, Tevis

Asked by Tevis Boulware on Wed 12/7/22 4:34 PM
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Answer (1)

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Brittany Renn Wed 12/7/22 4:58 PM

Hi Tevis,

Is it possible that the email reply account was listed as a user to notify when the ticket was closed? You should be able to confirm by clicking the 'Show More' option in the notified listed on the comment where the ticket was changed from 'In Process' to 'Closed.' 


Brittany Renn

TDX Support

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Brittany, thanks for the quick response and that is exactly what happened!

- Tevis Boulware Wed 12/7/22 6:19 PM
Hi Brittany. I was able to reproduce the behavior. Is this the intended behavior? It would be difficult for the email reply monitor to distinguish a normal email reply from an email sent from the SMTP server.

I suppose we can set up a rule to move these inadvertent emails directly into another folder so they do not get process.
- Tevis Boulware Wed 12/7/22 6:54 PM
Hi Tevis, Yes your best bet would be to set up a rule to move those emails to a different folder, so they do not make it to the Processed folder. - Brittany Renn Thu 12/8/22 9:36 AM