Bomgar Integration errors

Hi all,

Is anyone else having issues with viewing the chat history from Bomgar on TDX chat tickets after the Upgrade? We didn't have issues with Bomgar chat viewing yesterday, but are seeing issues today. We receive an 'Unhandled Error' message when trying to view the chat.



Tags bomgar
Asked by Katelin Anderson on Sun 12/4/22 4:09 PM
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Brittany Renn Mon 12/5/22 9:24 AM

Hi Katelin, 

I haven't heard reports of this from anyone else yet, but if you continue to have this issue, I would suggest submitting a support ticket with screenshots of the error so that the team can look into this for you. 



Brittany Renn

TDX Support 

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Awesome, thanks Brittany! - Katelin Anderson Mon 12/5/22 9:27 AM