Survey report that shows how many surveys were sent regardless of whether they were completed

Hi Mark,

Is there a way to set up a survey report that will give me all surveys that were sent in a month, regardless of whether the survey was completed by anyone?

In the Survey section in our Ticketing app, I can bring back every survey we've ever sent regardless of whether it was completed, but as soon as I add date parameters it only brings back completed surveys. I have the same issue in Analysis. 

We are interested in tracking our overall survey response rate, which is why I need both completed and not-completed results.



Tags surveys
Asked by Erin Tramble on Wed 11/16/22 1:44 PM
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Answers (2)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Wed 11/16/22 2:13 PM

Hi Erin,

Unfortunately there isn't a great way to achieve this. The reporting mechanism requires a response for a result to appear.

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Erin Tramble Thu 11/17/22 9:10 AM

Thanks Mark - opened SR 21769663 as an enhancement request for this if anyone else is having this issue and wanders across this Question.

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