Changing Project Request Evaluator

We see that there is a way to change Project Managers of projects in progress in TDAdmin, but is there a way to change the evaluator in a Project Request that has already been submitted in either TDAdmin or TDNext?

As a related question, would there be a way to manually assign evaluators, assign evaluation to groups, or have a round-robin type of evaluator assignment rather than basing the assignment on project type?

Thank you.

Tags project-requests portfolio-planning evaluator
Asked by Anderson Hanchett on Thu 11/10/22 1:31 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Thu 11/10/22 1:42 PM

Hello Anderson,

You can edit the project type(s) associated with those requests to have a different evaluator for that project type.

Unfortunately since the evaluators *are* determined by the project type's configuration of evaluator your second question also is not going to be possible right now.

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thank you. That works. - Anderson Hanchett Thu 11/10/22 1:51 PM