Scheduled tickets


Is the "Schedule" field in the "New Ticket Schedule" form available for editing or custom time intervals? I have a customer asking for a "quarterly" scheduling option. We're currently on version 11.3 on-prem





Asked by Eugene McGeehan on Mon 11/7/22 11:46 AM
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Answer (1)

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Brittany Renn Mon 11/7/22 12:57 PM

Hi Eugene, 

Unfortunately, we do not offer those specific kinds of intervals for scheduled tickets at this time. You could suggest an enhancement request though to ask that the available schedule periods be expanded to allow more specifics.


Brittany Renn

Support Consultant 

2 of 2 users found this helpful.
Thanks Brittany. I will create an enhancement request - Eugene McGeehan Thu 11/17/22 2:48 PM