Multi-selecting assets for updates in TDNext

When you are in an asset application and you would like to apply a change to several assets at a time (not using the API), is it possible to add other options to the list of fields to be updated that comes up after multi-selecting the assets and clicking the update button?  For instance, could we add a custom attribute such as "Primary SA" to the list of fields to be updated?  See attached screen shot showing the list that I'm talking about.  

Thanks, Susan

Asked by Susan Galvin on Thu 11/3/22 3:09 PM Last edited Thu 11/3/22 3:09 PM
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Mark Sayers Thu 11/3/22 4:10 PM

Hello Susan,

Unfortunately, similar to ticketing, when you select multiple assets to update at once it is only able to allow you to interact with the standard/baked-in fields relating to assets.

Anything further than that would require an enhancement to the system to allow additional fields to appear.

Feel free to submit that as a feature request though!

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant

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