Change Report's Default Column for Sorting

When you click on a report, a column isn't selected that you can see to determine how it's sorting the data.  When you click a column title in a report, it turns red and becomes the column you're sorting by.  You can change the sort order by clicking the column title which changes the direction the arrow is pointing.  The default order seems to be the modified column, descending order.  Is there a way to change a report (specifically the "Assigned to Me" ticket report) so it automatically sorts by Due Date?

Mike Schuster

Asked by Mike Schuster on Wed 11/2/22 9:24 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 11/2/22 9:35 AM

Hello Mike,

Unfortunately baked-in reports are not configurable in that way, but it would be a good idea. You should submit that as an enhancement idea.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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