Change Start & Due Dates using a workflow
We want to make Start & Due dates read-only and then use a workflow webservice method to update those fields from custom attributes. I am having a hard time referencing the Start & Due dates. This is what I have so far:
{"op": "add", "path": "/StartDate", "value": {{rsdate}}}
When I test the code I get a deserialized error - it doesn't seem to matter if I use a variable or use a date value.
Can you tell me what the issue is?
Answer (1)
Hi Mary,
This is probably going to be better assisted via a ticket request so you can provide screen shots of how you've configured each tab of your web service method for us to view. Can you submit it as a ticket and then we can dig into what might be causing this issue?
Also please provide a screen shot of the exact error you run into when testing.
Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS