PII scanning


Our Security Office would like to know if TDX does any or supports any type of PII scans to identify and/or remove/redact any type of sensitive or PII data that may make its way into ticket descriptions and updates.

Thank you!


Tags pii
Asked by Pamela Jordan on Fri 9/30/22 9:33 AM
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Answers (2)

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Mark Sayers Fri 10/7/22 10:04 AM

At this time we do not have any system feature or integration that can perform a PII scan to help with this.

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thank you, Mark - I appreciate the follow-up! - Pamela Jordan Fri 10/7/22 10:10 AM

Mark Sayers Fri 9/30/22 11:26 AM

Hello Pamela,

I can ask but I've not heard of us offering anything like this.

Mark Sayers

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