Email Replies

I just want to double check, I only have an email reply monitor at the organizational level and none on any ticketing applications. We only use one client portal. Is that how it should be? I just created an email auth account and went to the next step for reply emails and it was empty. Just wanting to make sure there would only be something there if needed and creating a OAuth 2.0 iMap account wasn't supposed to create something in the reply section? 

Asked by Alex Oquendo on Tue 9/27/22 5:00 PM
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Answer (1)

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J.P. Brannan Tue 9/27/22 10:38 PM

If you create an OAuth 2.0 or OAuth 2.0 (IMAP) Email Auth Account and use it for an Email Monitor in a Ticketing application (aka Ticket Creation Monitor), it remains totally separate from anything you do from Email Replies. You might choose to specify ticketing-application-specific setup for email replies, or you can just rely on the system-wide Email Replies monitor. That's what we do. We have many Ticket Creation Monitors spread across many TIcketing Applications, but all replies are handled by our central Email Reply monitor. We like the simplicity of having only one 'replies' account to worry about maintaining and troubleshooting. It may have some drawbacks, but it's easier to maintain than separate reply settings for every ticketing app. Your mileage may vary.



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