KB Attrubute Visibility - Published & Public

What KB permission is tied the "Published" and "Public" KB attributes? Some of our users can see the status of these two attributes under "Details" when looking at the main page of a KB, and others cannot. Is it possible to make those attributes visible for all technicians?

Tags published public knowledge-base KB attribute
Asked by Morgan Cranston on Thu 9/8/22 3:03 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Thu 9/8/22 4:39 PM

Hello Morgan,

You can publish a KB article if you have permissions to Publish Articles in your client portal's Security role permissions.

The ability to make it Public or not has to do with being able to edit articles (either all articles or articles that you own), because it's handled from the Permissions tab inside the Edit page of a KB in the client portal.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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If an article is marked public but not published who can see that? Also if this article is also archived who can see it? - Abby Fitcher Wed 5/15/24 3:10 PM
I *think* the answer would be the same for both of these: It would be those folks who can Review articles per their client portal security role permissions.

Any non-published or non-Approved KB is not visible to those who cannot review the articles in question.
- Mark Sayers Wed 5/15/24 3:14 PM