How to remove old projects from the drop-down list for Time Entry?

I know that when we close projects, we have the option to leave them open for time entry.  Because of that, we now have a bunch of old projects that appear on our drop-down list for adding time. We want to remove these from the list.  How can we remove old projects from the list of projects that appear under the Time Entry section? 

Going forward, when we close projects, we will not leave them open for time entry. We just need a way to address the ones that were closed out but left open for time entry.

Asked by Gretchen Cannon on Mon 8/29/22 2:22 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Mon 8/29/22 3:25 PM

Hello Gretchen,

You can access closed projects from either TDAdmin or the Analysis app and mark them not open for time entry.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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How do I mark them not open for time entry? I can't find the setting. Do I need to re-open the project? - Gretchen Cannon Mon 8/29/22 3:32 PM
You should just need to access them from Analysis and Deactivate them. That removes them from being able to have time entered on them still. - Mark Sayers Mon 8/29/22 3:36 PM