Deleting or Deactivating Project Plans


Is there a way to delete or deactivate project plans as an alternative manager on a plan or TDAdmin?

Thank you.

Tags delete-project-plan
Asked by Anderson Hanchett on Mon 8/15/22 2:28 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Tue 8/16/22 10:44 AM

If their security role has the permission on it to delete plans, the alternate manager should be permitted to delete project plans.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thank you, Mark:

I have confirmed that the security role has permission to delete tasks, but the option does not appear in TDNext or TDAdmin.
- Anderson Hanchett Wed 8/17/22 6:20 PM
So not just delete tasks, they would need permission to delete plans specifically before the alternate could delete the plan. TDAdmin does not offer a path to delete plans. - Mark Sayers Thu 8/18/22 9:41 AM
Thank you. I had to click the hamburger icon on the left side of the window to close the left navigation and see the "Delete" option. - Anderson Hanchett Fri 8/19/22 4:56 PM