Can a custom ticket attribute with type=person be defaulted to be the ticket Creator on the ticket's form?

Asked by Jon Ricketson on Fri 8/12/22 9:14 AM
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Mark Sayers Fri 8/12/22 12:41 PM

Unfortunately custom ticket attributes aren't able to be dynamically set. You can of course hard-configure the field to have a default value on the form builder page in Admin for this form, but it isn't able to be dynamically set to match the value of another person-picker field.

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Thanks Mark. What I really wanted was to be able to select (Current User) as the value on the ticket form. Sorry, I should have been more specific. Is this a possible future enhancement? - Jon Ricketson Fri 8/12/22 1:03 PM
I don't know if it is on the radar or not, but you can always submit it yourself via this service: - Mark Sayers Fri 8/12/22 4:12 PM