Populate Custom Asset Attribute with Custom Ticket Attribute


We are using a ticket form where users input data about an asset and we would like to use that data to create an asset and fill in custom asset attributes. However, when we use a web service method in a workflow, we can store the ID of the custom ticket attribute choice that the user selected, but trying to pass it through to the asset's custom attribute doesn't work since the IDs for the choices don't match up.

Is there a way to have the data that was inputted into the ticket passed through to the asset creation?

I saw the response here: https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/Questions/Details/123367 , but I had issues with both solutions. If I make a multi-select attribute with options that are dependent on the parent attribute, I can't see a way to auto-select the only choice that appears. That would be ideal to have the child attribute with the IDs hidden when the user fills out the form. For the other suggestion, if I make 4 different text box attributes, would there be a way to know which to grab data from in the web service method since they would each have different IDs?


Asked by Isaac Ramirez on Tue 8/9/22 5:05 PM
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Mark Sayers Wed 8/10/22 10:08 AM

Hello Isaac,

You'd basically only ever get this to work either by doing some complicated logic in iPaaS, or else just use text fields to pass a text value from one field to another or at least only grab the text value of the selected choice on the ticket and pass that to a text field on the asset.

Passing from a multi-select field to another multi-select field dynamically in a TDX workflow/web method is nearly impossible due to the IDs never matching up.

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Thanks, Mark. We'll go with passing the text from a dropdown in the ticket to a text field in the asset.

- Isaac Ramirez Thu 8/11/22 8:31 AM