Is there a way to pull the results of an approval out of a workflow using an API?
I'm not seeing how to query a workflow that's currently occurring or has completed and see what the result of various parts of that workflow were. For instance, if I want to tell another system of mine that a workflow step had completed, how would I do that? In particular, I'm looking to let another system know that an approval has been approved or rejected. The APIs cover all the steps or the options on a particular step, but don't look to return the results of step. How can I do this?
Trent Urness
TDX Paltform Technician
University of Minnesota
Answer (1)
Good morning Trent,
I see two options for you. If you have iPAAS Access, you can create a workflow to query the ticket feed entries for keywords.
The non-iPAAS way would be to use:
GET https://{Yourinstance}/TDWebApi/API/{appId}/tickets/{id}/feed
Look for the information in the feed and go from there.