Form Attribute to List Grid


I would like to know if there is a most effective way to place a grid into a ticketing form? We would like to place a grid (preferably dynamic or expandable, but at least 7 x 3) to include people's names, roles, and email addresses.

Thank you.

Tags people spreadsheet grid form-builder
Asked by Anderson Hanchett on Thu 7/28/22 2:07 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Thu 7/28/22 3:36 PM

Hello Anderson,

I don't know that this is entirely possible, but if it were, you'd do this with a static field that is an HTML type field.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Thank you. We were hoping that the fields could be fillable rather than static. I'll see if there may be a workaround by using People lookups, but we would also want to have the ability to include external contractors. Our use case is logging all parties that are responsible for working on an incident. - Anderson Hanchett Thu 7/28/22 4:46 PM
You could have multiple people lookup fields for sure, there's just no way currently to put them into a grid-type format. - Mark Sayers Fri 7/29/22 9:21 AM
Got it.

Thank you.
- Anderson Hanchett Fri 7/29/22 12:06 PM