Removing a workflow

Is it possible to give an Enterprise user the ability to remove workflows in a ticketing application?  The only thing I can find under the options for a Security Role is to be able to always approve a step, I cannot find anything on removing the workflow, but if it is possible, where do I go to configure this?

Tags workflow
Asked by Mathew Chandler on Tue 7/26/22 10:50 AM
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Mark Sayers Tue 7/26/22 1:20 PM

Hello Mathew,
I believe if the user has the permission to "The user will be able to update all tickets and ticket tasks regardless of type" or "The user will be able to edit all tickets regardless of type" then they should be able to do this.

Keep in mind if you update security role permissions for a user, they'll need to sign out of TDX and sign back in to see the update get fully applied to their account.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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person in question has those permissions already. - Mathew Chandler Tue 7/26/22 2:50 PM
Did they sign out of TDX and sign back in after those permissions were granted to them?

Because those permissions should be enough to get them the ability to remove the workflow from the ticket even if they aren't assigned to the ticket.
- Mark Sayers Tue 7/26/22 3:12 PM