Is there an API method for converting a Customer to a User?

Background: We are working on designing a workflow that would require an approval step. The approver will be selected by the requestor via a custom field on the form. However, some approvers may not have elevated their Customer account to a User account via the self-registration in our client portal. To resolve this, I would like the workflow to evaluate the account type of the Approver (condition step) and, if the Approver is a Customer, convert the customer to a user and set the Security Role to Client prior to advancing to the Approval step.

Asked by Dusty Borchardt on Fri 7/22/22 2:41 PM
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Answer (1)

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Christasia Bloom Fri 7/22/22 3:25 PM

Hi Dusty,

Unfortunately, the TeamDynamix API currently does not have endpoints for promoting a Customer to a User. They'd have to either elevate their account utilizing self-registration (as you mentioned) or be manually converted to Users in Admin.

However, this would be a good candidate for an Enhancement Request, which you can submit here:

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Christasia Bloom
Support Consultant, CS


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