Product Model

Good morning,

I am trying to import assets using the asset import file. I keep getting a validation error that the product model is invalid, but it is spelled exactly the same as when I created the models. What am I doing wrong? See attached images below:

Asked by Valencia Ingram on Fri 7/22/22 11:38 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Fri 7/22/22 12:00 PM

Can you provide your import file itself here?

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
I believe the issue is that the Product Model column values should be supplied in a format like so: ModelName (Manufacturer)

And you're only supplying the ModelName currently.
- Mark Sayers Fri 7/22/22 12:02 PM
Thank you, I added the manufacturer, and that worked! - Valencia Ingram Fri 7/22/22 12:07 PM