How to Close Task Created By Workflow

My workflow creates a task for my group and there's no way way to prevent it from displaying in our unassigned tasks report.  I assume this happens because it's only assigned to a group and not an individual? Is the only solution to remove the assigned group and to create the task in the workflow as unassigned?  I'm assuming I need this step in the workflow in the first place in order to stop the notifications until the person doing the promote actually puts the code into the production environment.  Does that sound correct?  Please see the attached screen shot of the workflow.

Thank You,


Asked by Mike Schuster on Thu 7/21/22 5:01 PM Last edited Thu 7/21/22 5:01 PM
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Mark Sayers Fri 7/22/22 10:58 AM

Hello Mike,

Is the work that the task represents *not* supposed to be performed by your group? Is there another group that more accurately should be assigned?

If no, or if it's being performed by someone who was assigned to a previous step in the flow, you might get away with leaving it unassigned or maybe just assign it to whichever person/group is responsible for the ticket at the moment.

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Hi Mark,

Yes, someone in our group is supposed to perform the work. Should that person assign it to themselves? There’s nothing else to do with the task after the work is done, right? It’s just kind of “out there”.

Am I correct in thinking that the task is needed and probably the only way to stop the workflow, allow the promote to be done, and then move on?

- Mike Schuster Fri 7/22/22 11:07 AM
They could certainly edit the task if they're permitted to and take responsibility for the task themselves, yes. Or you could edit the workflow itself and just assign that task to them directly if it will always need to go through them.

Without the task there is nothing to stop the next web service step and the Notification that follows it from kicking off, correct.
- Mark Sayers Fri 7/22/22 11:55 AM
If I don't assign the task to anyone in the workflow, will it still stop the workflow and display the task the way it has been in the ticket? The person responsible for doing the promote clicks the "Mark Complete" link on the right side of the ticket when they're done with the work. It would be great if that's still there even though the task isn't assigned to anyone. - Mike Schuster Fri 7/22/22 12:00 PM
Yes it will stop the workflow if the Task step is configured to Wait for Completion, and the task will still appear on the right side of the ticket for someone to mark complete. - Mark Sayers Fri 7/22/22 12:04 PM
Great, that's what I'll do. Thanks again! - Mike Schuster Fri 7/22/22 12:18 PM