How to Change Web Service Provider in Method
I have 3 web service methods configured and I want to change the Web Service Provider in all of them. How do I do this? I don't see any way to edit the provider.
Asked by Mike Schuster
on Wed 7/20/22 11:30 AM
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Answer (1)
This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers
Wed 7/20/22 12:07 PM
Hello Mike,
The web service provider, once associated with a web service method, is "locked" into the method.
Mostly though it just provides the starting point for your web service method's API URL field before you enter the rest of the endpoint URL, so you can just modify your method(s) to have the right URL and that will handle adjusting whatever was needed. Then you could either modify the web service provider in question or deactivate it so a different one can be used for any web service methods you create going forward.
Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS
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