Workflow on SLA Violation

I need to be able to take action on a ticket after an SLA has breached that is something other than assigning to a specific person or group. I need to have a workflow run when this happens. 

I've tried a number of things and right now I'm seeing if my workflow can wait for the same duration as the SLA and then check the SLA status. But I can't find any way to check the SLA status on the ticket only that the ticket has an SLA.

Is there a work around of technique to do this?

Tags workflow sla
Asked by Ken Stone on Tue 7/19/22 12:53 PM Last edited Tue 7/19/22 3:05 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 7/19/22 4:45 PM

Hello Ken,

A workflow cannot currently detect when an SLA may have violated on the ticket which the workflow is running. The Condition step in workflows simply has no filter for that.

You can do a timer step in the workflow for the same duration as the SLA, but keep in mind the ticket might go on hold for a while, which could mean your timer step could complete before the SLA fully elapses. You could make it have a Condition step after the timer step to look for a certain Priority (which you'd have to configure your SLAs so they set the ticket to a certain "SLA Violated" Priority value, and make the Condition step look for that Priority). If it finds the ticket is in that Priority after the timer step, proceed to tasks that allow a tech or whomever to address the issue.

You could always just take a step back and create a custom ticket report which looks for tickets where the SLA is violated. The report could be configured with Email Delivery schedules to email the report to you once an hour every day (you'd have to make a schedule for 8 AM, 9 AM, 10AM, etc for the whole day) and only deliver if there are results in the report. Then you know if you get that email there are tickets to address.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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