Project on hold duration reporting
I have been asked to produce on hold metrics for our projects. Things like how many times a closed project went on hold during execution, max/median on hold duration, etc. There doesn't seem to be a way to get this info, so I am having to pour through each project's feed to get it, and then report on it in a spreadsheet.
My question is - Is there a way to do any of this within TDX? Am I missing something that would help?
Asked by Kevin McDonald
on Mon 7/11/22 4:28 PM
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Mark Sayers
Wed 7/13/22 10:33 AM
Hello Kevin,
Unfortunately there isn't a record of historical reporting on project status apart from the Status Chart of the project.
Even that isn't reportable though. It's more a page showing a history of all status updates on the project and the Feed posts associated with those status changes.
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