Tagging Someone in Slack from Web Service Method

I have a web service method I use to post to Slack.  I'm wondering if it's possible to tag the person listed in the {{Responsibility}} field.  That's a parameter in my method.  When I try adding it in the Body like the following, it doesn't come through as a "tag" in the Slack message:

{"text":"@{{Responsibility}} Promote Complete for ticket ID {{TicketID}}. \n Ticket Type: {{Type}}"}

The person's name just shows up as regular text.


Thank You,


Tags web-method slack
Asked by Mike Schuster on Tue 7/5/22 3:15 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 7/5/22 4:55 PM

Hello Mike,

I think ultimately Slack's Support may have to advise you on what exactly they are expecting in order for the API call to produce a tagged post, however this StackOverflow thread might have some pointers:


I can't guarantee any of them will work, but it could be useful. Again, Slack support would ultimately be your best bet to fully troubleshoot what must be sent to its endpoint to produce a tagged result.

Mark Sayers
​​​​​​​Sr Support Consultant, CS

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