Alert/Notification Email Mapping

Our campus is consolidating from two email domains to one.  We want to update all Primary Email and Alert/Notification Email to be the same (  I was testing with the .xlsx people import template and there is no header for Alert/Notification Email.  When I create a column with that header, there is no mapping for it in the import either.  I was thinking to use Organizational ID for person matching.  What is the best way to accomplish this global email address update without creating duplicate accounts in the process.

Asked by Scott Cory on Thu 6/30/22 2:00 PM
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Answers (2)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Scott Cory Wed 7/6/22 4:56 PM Last edited Wed 7/6/22 4:56 PM

There are three email fields:


Primary Email

Alert/Notification Email

Alternate Email


I tried adding “Alert Email” and it still shows Skip.  There are only two Map To fields for email and neither is “Alert/Notification Email“

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Are you using the People importer built into the TDNext > People app interface? If so I do not believe that importer allows for setting or modifying the value of someone's Alert/Notification Email field.

When importing new persons using that method, it simply copies the Primary Email address value over to the Alert/Notification Email field, but you aren't able to edit that field's value via that importer. Try using the API/file-based importer or make direct API calls to each user's account to update it if you aren't wishing to do so manually in TDAdmin.
- Mark Sayers Wed 7/6/22 5:00 PM

Mark Sayers Thu 6/30/22 3:11 PM

Hello Scott,

There *is* a column for that field actually. It's just called: Alert Email

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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