Ticket Attribute Type for selecting an Asset

Any plans to add a Ticket Attribute Type to allow a user to select an Asset similar to how the Person Ticket Attribute Type works to select a Person?  We need to capture the Asset Serial Number in a Ticket in order to update that Asset using the Asset API in a Ticket Workflow step. 

Asked by Jon Ricketson on Tue 6/21/22 12:20 PM
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Mark Sayers Tue 6/21/22 12:59 PM

Hello Jon,

I'm not sure if there is a feature plan for that kind of attribute type, but you can definitely submit one (if you haven't already done so) via our service here: https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=2148


Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hello Mark. I see that we now have new custom ticketing attribute types for Assets and Configuration Items. I have two related questions:
1. These attribute types, like the custom ticketing Person attribute type, only allows one item to be selected. We would like the option for multi-select. Is that possible?
2. When we select an Asset or Configuration Item on a ticket form using a custom attribute type of Asset or Configuration Item, it does not show up in the linked Assets/CIs tab on the ticket. Is this by design or an oversight?

Thank you.
Jon Ricketson
- Jon Ricketson Thu 6/20/24 10:40 AM
1. Currently no, this is not possible.
2. To my knowledge, this is by design. You could suggest it as an enhancement though and if it is deemed a bug the product team would convert it as such.
- Mark Sayers Thu 6/20/24 2:13 PM