Can you have integrations with multiple Office 365 environments?


We are a SaaS client with a vanity url. Would it be possible to configure multiple Office 365 environments and provide you with the multiple Application (client) ID values created, to make them available for attachments? That would probably be done one at a time as colleges come onboard our TDX environment.



Asked by Chuck Renninger on Thu 6/9/22 9:54 AM
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Mark Sayers Fri 7/8/22 2:48 PM

Hello Chuck,

I don't know that the field (on our end) allows us to plug in more than one client ID. I'd have to ask. This becomes a potential problem for you because those integrations are activated at the Organization Settings level in TDAdmin, and not within specific applications.

My guess is you'll likely have to submit an enhancement to ask that those integrations be controlled at the app level with the option to use (or not use) the integration(s) defined at the org-level for that app, similar to what you can do for email reply monitors now.

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Unfortunately we can only integrate an environment with one application client ID at a time. The same is true for SSO, only one SSO provider can be utilized per environment. - Mark Sayers Fri 7/8/22 2:53 PM