People Import Acct/Dept Issue

During our People Import process I've been getting the following error for this one department that already exists in our system. Any idea as to why it may have an issue with it?

"Health & Human Performance (H&Hp)" is not a valid choice for the "Acct/Dept" property.

Asked by Todd Simpson on Wed 5/25/22 10:13 AM
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Mark Sayers Wed 5/25/22 11:44 AM

Hi Todd,

I would have to see the actual import file in question to see if the cell referencing that Acct/Dept has everything spelled and spaced accurately per the name of that Acct.

It does appear to be the same as the name of the Acct based on the error message and the Acct's name, but I can't confirm for sure without seeing the actual import file this error appeared for.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Ya I should have checked that. It looks like the file has two spaces before (H&Hp) where in the error message one of them gets removed and the name in the Acct/Dept listing only has one space. - Todd Simpson Wed 5/25/22 12:08 PM
That would certainly do it! The importer expects the value to be a 100% match including spacing and case sensitivity. - Mark Sayers Wed 5/25/22 12:11 PM