Estimated hours and date changes and resource availability questions


I don't think what I ask below is possible, but I wanted to confirm. 

1. On a waterfall plan, is it possible that when estimated hours are set, and those hours are beyond the available capacity of the assigned resource, that the dates will automatically change to when the resource is available? It would be nice if the application could automatically set the dates based on resource capacity.  

2. Does the waterfall plan indicate via an alert or warning when a resource is over scheduled on a task? Or do we have to go to resource reports to view? I tested this by setting too many hours on a task for a resource, but I did not see any alert about the resource being over-booked. Again, do I need to go to the capacity planner application? 

Just looking for ways to see impacts on the fly and to have the system set the dates for a resource that has a lot of small projects. 




Asked by Alyx Lyons on Wed 5/25/22 9:50 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 5/25/22 11:25 AM

Hello Alex,

1. Currently this is not a feature of TeamDynamix waterfall plans/tasks.

2. Alerts are not a feature currently to advise that a user may be over-assigned to items such that it would exceed their available capacity, no.

These sound like great enhancement ideas though!

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