Service Request Details

Good morning,

I created a workflow with approval steps. If the approver is just a user in the ITSM, how can I make it visible for them to see all of the service request details? Currently, they can only see who created the ticket and the workflow step. I need all approvals in the workflow to have access to all the details of the ticket. Thank you for your help!


Asked by Valencia Ingram on Mon 5/23/22 10:41 AM
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Answers (2)

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Mark Sayers Mon 5/23/22 11:03 AM

Hello Valencia,
If they are clicking on a link to visit their approval step in the client portal, that page *does* have a link to the root ticket. They can click on the ticket's link, read all the relevant info they need to see, then navigate back to take action on their Approval step.

Otherwise they should be able in TDNext to go to My Work to the My Approvals area and see the ticket(s) where they have approval steps assigned to them.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Thank you Mark!!! - Valencia Ingram Mon 5/23/22 12:10 PM

Valencia Ingram Mon 5/23/22 11:59 AM

Thanks, Mark, for your quick response. 

I had the approver send me a screenshot, and this is her view:


There is no link for her to view all of the details in the ticket with her current access. Do we need to give her access to TDNext?

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If they need to see more than what is listed on that screen, yes they would need TDNext access. A client user is not privileged (permission-wise) enough to view all fields on a ticket if they have specifically been marked as not client-visible. - Mark Sayers Mon 5/23/22 12:02 PM