Time and Expense

Is there a way for users to remove a time or expense to the associated request?

There may be instances where the time may be incorrectly inputted. 

Tags time-and-expense
Asked by Tyler Duncan on Wed 5/18/22 10:55 AM Last edited Wed 5/18/22 11:00 AM
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Answers (2)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Wed 5/18/22 11:05 AM

They can always access the Time & Expense application of TDNext or the My Work application > My Time Card and locate and correct the relevant entries.

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Is there a way to remove entries? - Tyler Duncan Wed 5/18/22 11:10 AM
Yes, via those same two applications I mentioned. - Mark Sayers Wed 5/18/22 11:12 AM

Tyler Duncan Wed 5/18/22 11:52 AM

Thank you.  I'm new to the time and expense application.

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