Interdepartmental Tickets

When a ticket is moved to the Interdepartmental ticket area in TDX, if it is never retrieved, does it just stay there?

In other words, if nothing else is done with that ticket, will it just sit in IDT indefinitely?

Asked by Tyler Duncan on Tue 5/17/22 1:52 PM
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Mark Sayers Tue 5/17/22 2:14 PM

Hello Tyler,

I'm assuming this is s specific ticketing application? There's certainly nothing automated that would move a ticket back, but I suppose you could have your techs apply a workflow to the ticket once it's moved there. That workflow could have a timer step that waits a specific amount of time then fires a web service step to move the ticket to another app if it's not already moved by then.

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It is a ticket application where technicians from different applications can move a ticket from their application into the interdepartmental ticketing application. This would allow the user to take the ticket within their area and move it to the interdepartmental ticketing application to allow technicians of different areas to pick up and reassign tickets to their appropriate area. - Tyler Duncan Tue 5/17/22 3:10 PM
Sure, so there is nothing by default that would move the ticket out of that app if nobody ends up picking the ticket up. - Mark Sayers Tue 5/17/22 3:22 PM