Granting Admin Access to Specific Applications

Is it possible to allow a user to use the Admin tool to only perform admin duties on specific applications?  We are adding a new ticketing application and I want to have an admin for that ticket application and the associated portal application.  Is there a way to allow them to administer those applications without being able to make changes to the current applications?  The only way I can see right now is to make them an admin for the organization.

Asked by John Parker on Fri 5/13/22 2:48 PM
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Mark Sayers Fri 5/13/22 3:22 PM

You can very much give a user app admin access, yes, only for ticketing, asset, or client portal applications though.

You'll need to modify their access via their account in TDAdmin > Users & Roles > Users, go to their Applications section, and check the box under the Admin column next to the desired ticketing app(s).

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I did that but I don't think they had a choice for the Admin site until I added them as an administrator for the organization. I will revisit and ensure that I verify thoroughly what the user sees on their end. I believe I just took their word for what they saw on their end. Thanks - John Parker Fri 5/13/22 3:52 PM
They will only get an Admin option directly from within the Ticket/Asset/Client Portal app that you made them an Admin of. It will not appear on their TeamDynamix waffle menu as an option.

In a ticket or asset app, there is a Gear button in the upper right of the page, and they can click on that to access Admin. In the client portal, they will click on their name while signed in, and an Admin option will be on the menu that appears.
- Mark Sayers Fri 5/13/22 3:54 PM
Okay. I see that now. I never noticed that. Thanks - John Parker Fri 5/13/22 3:56 PM