iPaaS Flow: Sync TDX Tickets to Jira issues
Good Afternoon:
One of the groups we support uses Jira for some of their project management requirements. I was looking at the iPaaS Flow Templates here:
- https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=51043
And saw this one:
9 - Sync TDX Tickets to Jira issues - This flow triggers when a new ticket is created in TDX or when a TDX ticket is updated. It searches for a corresponding issue in Jira and creates or updates the issue based upon search results.
However, that summary is pretty brief, so I have some questions for you:
- How are these flows implemented?
- Is there an associated cost with implementing them?
- If so, what is the cost / how is it determined?
- Are there any specific service accounts that would be required to implement this flow?
- More specifically, can we use to our existing administrative account (s), or would we need to create a new one for this specific flow?
- This question applies both to our TDX accounts and the Jira accounts.
- If a new account is required, are there any references I could consult so I could educate myself on this topic?
- Does this flow allow data / activity to flow in both directions (TDX <----> Jira)?
Bugsy Douglass
Business Systems Analyst
Information Technology Department - Pima County
(520) 724-2419
Answer (1)
Hi Bugsy,
Thanks for reaching out about this. There is a separate piece of the implementation that we are doing regarding iPaaS flows. We can certainly chat offline via email about this inquiry. I will follow up via email on this.
William Cochran