Ticket follow up


In our previous ticketing system we had an option to set a ticket follow up date so you could actually close a completed ticket to get it out of your queue but have it re-open after a set amount of time (days, weeks, months, custom date).   I used this feature frequently for tickets that I had completed but wanted to follow up with ticket owner at a later date to check in on status of something.  It allowed us to close ticket, have it reopen at selected time, set the ticket status upon reopening and add notes to the ticket to remind us what we were going to check on.  Does TDX have this capability?  From what I see the only option for setting dates on tickets is if you set a ticket to on hold which technically means the ticket is still open and sitting in the queue.  I would prefer to be able to do this with closed tickets.   




Asked by Jon Lehner on Fri 5/6/22 10:22 AM
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Andrey Little Fri 5/6/22 10:52 AM

Hey Jon,

That is correct, so currently you can set tickets to a "on hold" status, with a goes off hold date. There is also a setting in TD Admin that allows tickets to go off hold when a ticket is commented on, please reference https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=21865 for more information about ticket settings. This feature only works for when the ticket is set to a status of "on hold".

On the topic of not having in your queue if it is on hold. You can create a custom report so that tickets that are assigned to you do not show if they are "on hold". You can also create another report to show you tickets that are X days past the date the ticket was closed. For more information on reporting reference https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=30568

If you would prefer to have these options with closed tickets I would recommend filling out an enhancement request by going to: https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=2148 

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