Email Notification "From" Address

Please see the attached screen captures, but from what I understand of the Outboard Email Settings that if the Display Name is left blank:

"When blank the system normally marks the display name as the name of the user who initiated the notification."

As the screen captures show this worked as expected, but when we made a change to the server where the was housed, the Display Name property stopped working.  We are moving this email to the Office365 cloud on 5/18 and Microsoft 2.0 and I don't know if this will fix the problem.

However, in the meantime, we would like to get the Outboard Email Settings configured so the person initiating the email is prefaced to the email as it was before.

Any ideas?

Thanks, Tevis

Asked by Tevis Boulware on Wed 5/4/22 4:42 PM Last edited Wed 5/4/22 4:42 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 5/4/22 4:53 PM

On that email that shows as coming from the UO Service Portal Email Reply, what email address does that email show is the From address?

It sounds like you made some change which prevented that "serviceportal" SMTP user from successfully connecting to your SMTP server per the ticketing app's specified settings, so the system fell back to connecting via the organization-level SMTP configurations (if present, which they *are* configured), and *that* configuration was successful to connect and hand the email off for delivery. This is why that Display Name was used for the delivery of that email.

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Are we confident at this point that the SMTP credentials for that "serviceportal" SMTP user (as they were entered into that ticket app outbound email configuration page) are still accurate? - Mark Sayers Wed 5/4/22 4:54 PM
I am confident the SMTP credentials are correct and the Outgoing Email Settings page will successfully send a test email. - Tevis Boulware Wed 5/4/22 5:01 PM
When you test a notification out of that ticketing app, does it *always* display as coming from that UO Service Portal Email Reply address, or does it sometimes display correctly with the name of the tech/user that triggered the notification? - Mark Sayers Thu 5/5/22 9:18 AM
It always display just the "UO Service Portal" address and the sender name is not appended. This has been occurring since 4/14. - Tevis Boulware Thu 5/5/22 12:09 PM
Ok, you said originally "we made a change to the server where the was housed". What change was that? Could it have prevented our IP address list from connecting to it? If this needs to be more deeply investigated by our team I will need it to be submitted as a Support ticket (rather than continue in this open forum here). - Mark Sayers Thu 5/5/22 1:24 PM
We moved the mailbox from an older "Web Mail" system (I don't know the details) to an on-premise exchange server in preparation for moving to Modern Auth. We made that change on 4/14 and that is when the issues started. - Tevis Boulware Thu 5/5/22 1:43 PM
Is your email team able to confirm that our IP addresses *are* being allowed to contact that on-premise exchange server? For SMTP connections, TeamDynamix does *not* currently support modern authentication methods, so is basic SMTP auth still active for that serviceportal SMTP account? - Mark Sayers Thu 5/5/22 1:58 PM
Here are the IP addressed allowed:

object-group network TDX-email-gws
network-object host
network-object host
network-object host
network-object host
network-object host
network-object host
network-object host
network-object host
network-object host
network-object host
network-object host
network-object host
network-object host
network-object host
- Tevis Boulware Thu 5/5/22 4:38 PM
Those are all of our IPs for sure. Did they confirm that Basic SMTP auth is still being allowed? - Mark Sayers Thu 5/5/22 4:42 PM
I am confirming the SMTP question now. - Tevis Boulware Thu 5/5/22 5:02 PM
Hi Mark, please see the following screen capture and let me know what you think the issue(s) might be?

Thanks, Tevis
- Tevis Boulware Wed 5/11/22 1:53 PM
I would recommend following up with Stephanie to ask her if she specifically attempted to contact that group via email, because it isn't associated with any TDX user or your email replies config, so we wouldn't have produced that address for her to be sending to.

As for a notification coming from our address, that could be because the particular notification was unable to successfully be delivered to your SMTP server. I'd have to have our email team look into that to know for certain, but we'd want you to create a support ticket if you need that looked into.
- Mark Sayers Wed 5/11/22 2:07 PM