Are Approvers automatically added as contacts to a request?

I thought that approvers were added as contacts to requests automatically, but an IT Partner has reported that occasionally the approvers are not the requestors of a given request and are not included as a contact on the request which causes their approval to fail. They were asking if it is possible to automatically add the approver as a contact on the request since their name is entered into the forms, but I thought this was already the case? Just wanted to confirm.

Tags add-contacts approver
Asked by Gabriela Barragan on Tue 5/3/22 3:33 PM
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Mark Sayers Tue 5/3/22 3:36 PM

Hello Gabriela,

Workflow step approvers are not automatically added as contacts on tickets, no. You could add the Contact field to the ticket form so the person who *is* requesting a service can select them to be included as a Contact on the ticket.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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