Why does a random date range (not necessarily the current one) appear each time I go to add time in Time & Expenses?

Our department is in the early stages of requiring all employees to track their time. One thing that I and others have noticed is that when we go to Time & Expenses to add time, a seemingly random date range appears. I would think that it would default to either the last date range the user submitted time, or the current one. How is the date range determined? What is the rationale for this?

Thank you,


Asked by Gretchen Cannon on Mon 4/25/22 1:38 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Mon 4/25/22 2:34 PM

Hello Gretchen,

That page *should* return the user to the last week that they had navigated to on their Time & Expenses application in TDNext. I've never heard of it placing them on a date/week that they had never navigated to. So if they access Time & Expenses, click the Today button along the top of the screen, then navigate away or close the browser and come back, does it bring up the current week as expected?

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thanks for the explanation, Mark. It appears to work as you indicated. - Gretchen Cannon Tue 4/26/22 9:17 AM