reassociating attributes

Is there any way to combine/reassociate attributes, like is possible with services/forms? I've recently consolidated our service catalog and forms, and would like to clean up the attributes I’ve deactivated for a cleaner db. However, I’m worried that deleting the inactive attributes will delete the corresponding data.

Tags reassociate attributes
Asked by Becky Klein on Thu 4/21/22 1:52 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Fri 4/22/22 11:54 AM

Hello Becky,

Unfortunately there is not a comparable feature like reassociating custom attributes from one to another like there is for services.

This would make for an interesting enhancement idea though. You should submit it via our enhancement service.

No feedback
Done. - Becky Klein Mon 4/25/22 3:01 PM