Ticket Calendar - View Scheduled time and Responsibility

My office schedules and assigns computer replacements for our techs to handle - when viewing the "Ticket Calendar", it only displays the title of the request (which are all the same). I need to go to the calendar and be able to see the start time of the scheduled ticket and the tech that it has been assigned to - otherwise there is no indication at all which of our scheduled computer replacements have been assigned to a tech or are still unassigned.

Any suggestions?

Attached is an image that shows the only thing I can see from our calendar view right now. 

Asked by Lou G. on Tue 4/12/22 4:17 PM Last edited Tue 4/12/22 4:17 PM
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Kelsie Curtis Mon 4/18/22 2:57 PM

Hi Lou,

I talked through this question with the implementation teams last week to make sure I understood the need and asked them to relay to you. I have added you to the implementation project as a Resource so you should be able to add Issues to that now for help with your questions. 



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