Recategorizing Knowledge Base Articles


I am wondering if there is a way for me to recategorize multiple Knowledge Base articles at the same time? For example, say I have a handful of articles assigned to category = Finance and I want to pull anything assigned to category = Finance and place it into a new category = Budget. Is there a way to bulk assign any existing category which has category = Finance and place the articles into a new category = Budget without doing this one by one? I saw the question appeared to have been asked in 2018 ( and I am wondering if this is now possible.

Thank you,
Kate Anderson
Low Code Engineer
​​​​​​​University of Minnesota

Asked by Katelin Anderson on Mon 4/4/22 9:26 AM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Mon 4/4/22 9:49 AM

Hello Katelin,

Unfortunately this is not currently possible. You could move the entire category they are currently "housed" within though, and that would effectively move all of the articles within it for you. You'd still have to contend with the "parent" category housing those articles though, so that might not achieve what you are looking for in this case.

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Thanks Mark, I appreciate you getting back to me!
- Katelin Anderson Tue 4/5/22 9:57 AM