Middle Name - People

I have found another question from 7 years ago on this same subject and wanted to follow-up to see if there have been any changes since then. 

We would like to be able to include Middle Name in the Display Name on a ticket on a user by user basis. Is this a feature yet or in the works?

Original Question from 2015: Question Detail - Middle Names - People (teamdynamix.com)

Tags people
Asked by Jordan Van Pelt on Fri 4/1/22 9:42 AM
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Mark Sayers Fri 4/1/22 11:56 AM

Hello Jordan,

At the moment it is not a feature. I am not positive if it is in the roadmap yet, but feel free to submit an enhancement request to ask that it be added!

Submit an Enhancement

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Thank you, Mark, for confirming this. We have decided to change a few internal processes to help solve this issue for now. If that changes, I will be sure to submit an enhancement request.

Appreciate you and your time!
- Jordan Van Pelt Fri 4/1/22 3:12 PM