Webmethod to Re-assign a Workflow - 2022


I know Tevis Boulware asked a similar in a question back in 2022 but I thought I'd see if there's been an update since then:

Is it possible with a web method in an active ticket workflow to remove the currently assigned workflow and re-assign a new workflow?

In my case, once you reach the final step in a workflow, a webservice step would be used to reassign a different workflow to the ticket.





Asked by Erin Tramble on Wed 3/30/22 9:21 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 3/30/22 10:43 AM

Hi Erin,

Yes there is an endpoint for that: PUT TDWebApi/api/{appId}/tickets/{id}/workflow?newWorkflowId={newWorkflowId}&allowRemoveExisting={allowRemoveExisting}

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