How to provide a link to a client's ticket for their reference

Is there a way to display a client portal link to a ticket that you're viewing in TDNext?  

One of my colleagues said, "I was in TDNEXT and I grabbed a link to a ticket and pasted it into an e-mail for reference for a client.  When the client clicked on the link, they were taken to an error page.  This caused a lot of frustration because they were trying to get the full context of a conversation within a ticket (because the e-mails only include the last comment).How can I correctly provide a link to a client's ticket for their reference?"

I know you can give the ticket number to a customer and ask the person to look it up in the View My Tickets area in the portal, but is there a way to give them a direct link instead?

Asked by Mike Schuster on Thu 3/24/22 2:44 PM
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Answers (2)

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Mark Sayers Thu 3/24/22 3:25 PM

Hello Mike,

You should be able to just modify your ticket notification templates (in TDAdmin > Applications > [your ticket app] > Notificaiton Templates) to include references to the {{ClientURL}} tag so it includes that ticket's Client portal link.

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Hi Mark,

We see the TDCLIENT link in the emails we receive when someone comments. I think the person may have been talking to someone via email or slack and wanted to direct them to the ticket. It sounds like there's no way to do that other than updating the ticket so that the client receives a system generated email with the TDCLIENT link at the bottom?

- Mike Schuster Thu 3/24/22 3:30 PM
Ah, there isn't a way to just go to the ticket and click something to get a "client" version of that ticket's URL. You'd have to either look at the format of the URL for tickets in the portal, and just modify the ending after the ID= bit to contain the ticket's ID, or notify the person from the ticket so they have the link via that notification email. - Mark Sayers Thu 3/24/22 4:26 PM
Thank you for your help! - Mike Schuster Thu 3/24/22 4:31 PM

Jonathan Kewley Wed 4/6/22 12:42 PM

I'm often in TDnext and the requestor isn't responding to my updates/emails, so I reach out via teams and also struggle with sharing a link for them to view the ticket in client and not tdnext.

Guess there needs to be an idea for this to have a way to get the client link when in TDnext huh?

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The format for a client portal URL to a ticket is always consistent, like so:


Where the 1234 in this case is the ID of the client portal app, and the "PortalPartialURLValue" is the value you configured for the Partial URL field on the Edit page of your Client Portal app in TDAdmin.

The actual URLs have an encrypted/hashed value for TicketID, but throwing the actual ID in after the equals sign works.
- Mark Sayers Wed 4/6/22 1:29 PM