TDNext technician view of ticket "Other Fields"


Was curious the logic around what fields get displayed as "Other Fields" when viewing a ticket via TDNext as a technician and clicking "Edit". There seems to be a mix of the following fields, and I can't figure out the rhyme or reason. Sometimes "Priority", sometimes "Service", sometimes "Service Offering", sometimes "Status", sometimes "Start Date", sometimes "Impact", sometimes "Urgency", etc. Would like to have a little more control or at least an explanation as to why sometimes a "Other Field" is present and why sometimes the "Other Field" is not present. Can we control visible? On one ticket they would like to remove "Priority" and "Service Offering" from under "Other Fields" for a specific ticket, however I am not sure how, nor why those fields don't exist on other tickets, and vice versa. Any help appreciated.

Thank you,



Asked by Ryan Ranly on Mon 3/21/22 4:13 PM
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Answers (2)

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Greg Van De Mark Mon 3/21/22 4:19 PM

I've found when I switch forms, it places attributes that were on the former form at the bottom in that section so that data is not lost.

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Greg, yes I've found that as well. I'm not sure about tickets that do not change forms however, with no changes after client portal submission, or mail monitor creation, etc. - Ryan Ranly Mon 3/21/22 4:27 PM
I know that when you import, items go in that section sometimes. If you are getting attributes in that section without changing forms or as a result of imports, I'd also be interested in the answer. I like to keep "other fields" at a minimum in case it messes with my reporting. - Greg Van De Mark Mon 3/21/22 5:19 PM

Michael Press Thu 7/7/22 5:02 PM

I have the same question and I'm not sure this is a complete answer.  It's different fields on different forms.  It LOOKS to me like when there is a value in a field that's in the "Other" section (in TDNext), the value came from somewhere I'm not sure about, because it's not on the form in design view.

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You can have fields end up in the Other Fields section if you have excluded any baked-in fields from your form that are required for ticket creation, like Ticket Type. Or if any baked in field isn't on the form but an automation rule or something is supplying values to those fields, like the Priority/Impact/Urgency fields. There are fields that you cannot leave off your form and expect it not to appear in the Other fields section of the form. - Mark Sayers Fri 7/8/22 9:38 AM
Well, now I understand! Thanks, Mark! - Michael Press Fri 7/8/22 10:23 AM