Reporting on Initial Response and Last Response

I am trying to create a report that shows the initial response date/time to the client and the date/time of the last response to the client.  The Initial Response field does not work for us because often tickets move from New to Waiting on Client (On Hold) and Initial Response is not set in this example. I am also unable to find the date/time of the "last response". 

Asked by Matthew Logering-Deactivate on Mon 3/21/22 3:39 PM
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Mark Sayers Tue 3/22/22 10:32 AM

Hello Matthew,

There are a couple of things to keep in mind regarding the KPI metrics:

  1. These metric values are *not* updated in real time. There is a process that runs overnight every night that updates the KPIs, so anything modified/responded to the same day you're running the report would not be reflected in the report or at least they wouldn't have *new* values for their KPIs.
  2. In order for a ticket to be considered as "responded to" its status *must* have been elevated from its starting status classification to one classification level higher. So if it is created with a "New/Open" status classification, the ticket is credited as responded to once that ticket's status is elevated to In Process or Closed (typically an In Process classified status is the next status clients will be giving their tickets unless they are immediately closing it as addressed). If that is *not* happening, and tickets are just going from New to On Hold, then there would never be a value for Initial Responded To or Last Responded to because it's not truly having its status elevated at any point.

It sounds like a process adjustment may be needed to first elevate your tickets' statuses before then placing them On Hold waiting for client response.

*Please note that simply creating the ticket with an In Process status class would not equal a status elevation action and would not credit the ticket as having been responded to.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

2 of 2 users found this helpful.
Thank you, Mark. This is very helpful. We will certainly look into our process around this. In simple terms however, is there any way to report on the last "client response date" on a ticket? We are currently using "last modified date" to get an idea of the last time a ticket was touched, but it would be much preferred to report on the last client response date. - Matthew Logering-Deactivate Tue 3/22/22 11:15 AM
Unfortunately "Modified" is really the only way to know for sure when the ticket was most recently commented on by anyone. You can use that in conjunction with the Modified By column to see the name of the person that last modified the ticket in any way. This should let you see when that value is someone who is not an employee to know that they need a response. - Mark Sayers Tue 3/22/22 12:35 PM

Michael Press Tue 4/19/22 7:45 PM

In terms of last response, that's exactly what I do, I calculate number of (networkdays) since the date last modified in conjunction with another calculated value, a "Last Modified by Client?" but that's just a yes/no field (if modified by = requestor, "Yes").  Actually I do it the other way around, I calculate whether the TECHNICIAN is the last person to modify it (if Modified By = Prim Resp, "Yes") because I want to know that technicians are keeping their clients updated.

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