Survey question

Follow-up to the following survey question:

You can run a survey report from within the application that the survey was created. So if it was a ticketing survey, go into the ticketing application in TDNext and start a new Survey report. To get the survey question results, you'll have to add the survey questions as columns in the report.

My question:

I have the survey report run and exported it but how do I add the survey questions on the export so I don't have to go into each individual report?  I created a 5-question survey and a open text box for comments.  I do not see an option of survey questions in the report.  Added to the below report, I would like a column for Question 1, Question 2 and I do not see a field to add in the report.  Current report example:


Asked by Lisa Mouser on Tue 3/15/22 4:27 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Tue 3/15/22 4:34 PM

Hello Lisa,

As you are configuring your Survey Response report, click the drop down for one of the columns and scroll the list down until you see the "Questions" heading. All of the available ticket survey questions should be listed there.

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