How to give permission to create a new project


We assigned the projects/workspaces application (among others) to one of our users, however she is not able to create a new project. It does not show up as an option when she selects +New. She only sees Risk, Issue, Event, Report and Report Folder.  I cannot find where the setting is to give her permission to create a new project. Can you help?



Asked by Gretchen Cannon on Tue 3/1/22 2:44 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 3/1/22 3:07 PM

Hello Gretchen,

You will want to also check the security role that she was assigned by looking at TDAdmin > Users & Roles > Security Roles > [role she was assigned] to ensure that it has the permission on it to create Projects.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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